let me explain

After much slow growth in the northern sunlight, this blog has grown into a small space for all things furrybees*.  This is wonderful for me, and undoubtedly a little puzzling for everyone else.  It means there is no unifying theme (as the "how to blog" advisers insist), no predictable logic to the flow of posts (as many readers might enjoy), and no consistency in posting (as good sense would dictate).  As much as I try, I can't seem to follow all the rules at once. 

That's why: some days it's a space for sharing stories about my family (mainly because the grandparents and assorted others love it so); some days it's a space for displaying creative endeavours who, for their sheer labour-intensiveness, deserve a wider audience than the dog; some days I wax feminist and feisty and want everyone to Read and Pay Attention!; some days I want to show good photos that I accidentally took; some days I write poetry; and some days it's just a quiet space—for waiting.

Because I can't seem to stop, I've decided to run the blog a bit like one of those shops you find on the main street of small country towns. The ones that seem to shout, "Hey! I've got one of everything!" from their crowded display window (but, nevertheless, only open on the day when the owner isn't also driving the school bus or staffing the volunteer fire station).  It's a random approach to blogging, you're right, but I'm owning it, I’m standing up for it.

Thank you for visiting.  Come again.  You are always welcome.

*furrybees is Emma Woodley.  She is an Australian living in Canada with a muddle-headed professor, their six-year-old, and a dog that looks (and acts) a little like a barrel.  She was once an academic and is now a mother and a freelance editor and writer.  She also dabbles, creatively.  Not as much as she'd like but enough to stop her from plaiting the sausages artfully before she serves them for dinner.  The origin of the word “furrybees” is buried lost in the sands of time.  Her brothers and her parents could probably attempt an explanation, but you wouldn’t believe them anyway.

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